My new book - published on January 28th 2024!
The front cover of my new passementerie book, published by Schiffer on January 28th 2024.
Passementerie is a traditional, heritage craft that has been made for centuries. However, very little information about how to create your own passementerie exists. Until now…
I am delighted to share a sneak peek of the front cover of my new book Passementerie Handcrafting Contemporary Trimmings, Fringes, Tassels and more. Published on January 28th 2024 by Schiffer Publishing, this is the first book ever published showing you how to create your own, contemporary handwoven passementerie using widely available materials and equipment.
My book showcases the secrets of the Passementier, showing you for the first time how you can craft your own contemporary and luxurious trimmings, Crete, braid, tassels and more through 11 in depth guided projects.
Discover 11 guided projects for home and wardrobe, ranging from elegant Chanel-style jacket fringe to bold, tasselled lampshade fringe. This book demonstrates techniques that transform your existing clothing and home decor items into handcrafted masterpieces that make a bold statement.
This book is the culmination of a year long project of planning, writing, weaving, photographing, cord spinning and more! I can’t wait to show you the final result when my book is published on January 28th - lots more sneak peeks and pre-order availability to come soon!